Medical Office Building for St. Elizabeth Physicians is a prototype of comfortable efficiency.

Strategically situated astride St. Elizabeth Fort Thomas Hospital and convenient to a freeway exit, the Newport / Fort Thomas Medical Office Building offers many different services to its patients that are best rendered in this outpatient setting. A dual-functioning facility, the building operates as physician offices and urgent care center. Two entrances, each equipped with a vehicular drop-off area, allow St. Elizabeth Physicians added flexibility; patients can utilize the urgent care facility past the operating hours of the medical office building.
Another beneficial aspect of this MOB lies in its design. The MOB’s practices are organized in a linear fashion which imparts design consistency and adds practical interchangeability. These practices include primary care, gastroenterology, heart & vascular, nephrology, neurology, urogynecology, urology, weight management, women’s health, and a timeshare.
Upscale, hospitality-like character appeals to patients and staff
The building is a single-story, efficient rectangle, demonstrating regularized low-cost structure with maximum functional flexibility. Facades are a friendly red brick with limestone trim, syncopated with a regular rhythm of piers. The front façade is animated with the two drop-off canopies and building entries, along with large windows at waiting rooms, and an octagonal corner tower visible from the highway.
The building is, essentially, divided into three straightforward zones — from front to rear: lobby / waiting / check-in, exam / procedure / nurse, and office / support. Warm colors and light cherry wood, along with accent colors corresponding to corporate branding, appoint a comfortable environment and aid with wayfinding.